There are two school sponsored dances each year, Homecoming and Prom. School sponsored dances will be supervised by administration, staff, at least one campus supervisor and one police officer to ensure the comfort and safety of students.

To be eligible to purchase tickets and attend any LNE dance, students must meet the academic, attendance and other requirements listed below.

  • Students must have no more than one “F” or “Unsatisfactory”.
  • Students must have good school attendance. Students with poor attendance, including excessive tardies or multiple unexcused absences, may not be eligible to attend.

Dance Criteria

  • Homecoming 2024

    • Tardies: fewer than 24 periods 
    • Truancies: fewer than 10
    • Failing grades: none  
    • Suspensions: no out of school suspensions

  • Prom 2025

    • Tardies: fewer than 60 periods
    • Truancies: fewer than 30 periods
    • Failing grades: no more than 2 F’s
    • Suspensions: no out of school suspensions

Student Behavior at Dances

Appropriate dress and behavior is expected. Any student who attends a school event under the influence will be subject to school discipline and notification of the proper authorities, which may result in a police citation.

The Northeast student must show his/her school ID at entrance.

One guest per Northeast student is allowed. The guest’s name and school must be provided by the Northeast student at the time tickets are purchased.

The guest must have a photo ID and cannot be older than 20 to avoid being able to purchase liquor.

Entry to the dance is closed 60 minutes after the dance has started.

Once a student leaves a dance, re-entry is not allowed.

Dress Code

Clothing must cover undergarments and all private parts.

See the LPS important information booklet regarding additional District Dress Code Guidelines.