The Rocket Messenger

September 2024

Principal's Message

I hope this finds you well! We have had an awesome start to the school year. We have approximately 1900 students in our building. The halls are full and the energy is high. Students have done a great job starting the new year. I am thankful that I get to serve our students with such a wonderful staff. What a fun start we’ve had to the 2024-2025 school year!

School Improvement Focus

We will work to increase the graduation rate to 76% by 2025. To support this work we have subcategories on which to focus:

  • Academic
  • Behavior
  • Climate

District Strategic Plan

As a reminder, the district’s goals are as follows:

  • Student wellbeing and outcomes
  • Staff wellbeing and outcomes
  • Family and community engagement
  • District systems and operations
Keri Applebee
Keri Applebee


News and Notes

Vape Detectors

As a reminder, we began the school year with implementation of VAPE detectors in every restroom. It has taken us a couple of weeks to figure out our routine when an alarm sounds but we are already seeing the positive impact that the detectors are providing. The restrooms have far fewer students just “hanging out” in them. We have also had students thank us as they can actually get into a restroom to use it for its intended use. I know it’s early, but early data shows they really are having a positive impact on overall hallway traffic.


September 13, 2024. 8:00-11:00 at LNE.

Tickets are $15.00 and will be on sale during lunches and after school the week of Sept. 9th.

In order to be eligible to buy tickets for Homecoming 2024 students must have:

  • Tardies: fewer than 24 periods
  • Truancies: fewer than 10
  • Failing grades: none
  • Suspensions: no out of school suspensions

Parent/Teacher Conferences

September 18, 2024 3:45-5:45- in person. 5:45-6:45 outreach by teachers via phone.

If you are unable to attend conferences from 3:45-5:45 and would like a call during the last hour, please complete the form below.

Library News

Need a Library Book Now?

Did you know students can read graphic novels and magazines in Sora. No holds, no wait! These materials are always available for students to borrow and read. Borrow and read one of the thousands of high-interest, popular eBooks in Sora.

  • Go to
  • Log in with your LPS credentials. Contact your school office if your student does not know his/her username and password.
  • Select Sora from the alphabetical listing in the LPS portal.
  • Browse and check out an eBook.
  • You can also download the Sora App on your devices.

Digital Citizenship Tips

Our students are learning about online communication and etiquette. Here are some prompts to help you continue the conversation at home:

  • What do you like to do online? What are some positive ways you use technology?
  • How do you use good manners online?
  • What is the difference between face-to-face and online conversations?
  • When would it be better to talk to someone in person rather than texting or posting something online?
  • Why should you ask permission before posting a photo or video of someone else online?
  • How do you avoid other online distractions (games, browsing other websites, etc.) while doing schoolwork online?

Want ideas for supporting digital citizenship in your home? Follow your school, LPS Library Services, or #lpsdigcit on social media to get weekly tips. Or find the whole collection here:

Computing Services


The eduroam wireless network is more secure than most public wifi networks and is available in several locations around Lincoln. Students using their LPS Chromebooks around town should connect to eduroam whenever it is available. Simply select it from the list of available networks – no other steps needed! Visit LPS jump code: pao4 for more information.

Scenarios where eduroam may come in handy include:

  • Visiting UNL campuses? Don’t hassle with UNL guest wifi, use eduroam!
  • Hanging out at The Lighthouse, The Malone Center or The Bay? Use eduroam!
  • Serving or staying at People’s City Mission? Use eduroam!

Instructional Technology Tools (ITTs) in LPS & The LPS Portal

LPS believes that effective instruction can and should include the appropriate use of instructional technology to support learning. To that end, a District Instructional Technology Tool (ITT) Committee works to identify ITTs that are safe for student use, support district learning goals, and encourage innovative teaching and learning. All reviewed ITTs are cataloged in the LPS ITT Matrix [].

The most frequently used, approved, and supported ITTs are made available to students and staff in the LPS Portal []. Students access their LPS Portal by clicking the ‘HOME’ button on their Chromebook.

Need a conversation starter with your student? Ask them for a tour of their LPS Portal and which ITTs they’re currently using in class.

Top 10 Things to Know about Student Technology in LPS

There is a lot that parents COULD know about the tools their students use in LPS. These are the 10 most important things! 10 Things to Know about Student Technology in LPS.