January 2025 Rocket Messenger
From the Principal
Greetings Families and Happy New Year! Please know that as we begin a new semester we will be re-committing to our R.I.S.E. expectations of being Respectful, Inclusive, Safe and Engaged so we can be sure we are maintaining a safe and effective learning environment for all students.

Research shows that re-teaching and reviewing school-wide/classroom expectations creates predictable adult behavior across all settings, providing students with a sense of security. Providing this structure reduces stress and reminds students that it is “business as usual.” This decreases the likelihood of problem behavior.
Additionally, increasing our specific positive feedback will not only support students to demonstrate positive behavior, but cultivate a safe, successful and positive learning environment for all. This will include asking our students to continue to:
- Arrive to classes on time
- Note: Students who receive 12 or more tardies in a week will be assigned an automatic after school detention the following Tuesday.
- Minimize requests for passes to the restroom by using restroom facilities during passing time.
- Have their permanent ID on their person.
School Improvement Goal: 80% of LNE students will earn at least 60 credits by the end of the 24-25 school year.
To support this work we have subcategories on which to focus:
- Academic
- Behavior
- Climate
District Strategic Plan: As a reminder, the district’s goals are as follows:
The district has recently completed their new strategic plan. The plan contains four facets:
- Student wellbeing and outcomes
- Staff wellbeing and outcomes
- Family and community engagement
- District systems and operations

News and Notes
LNE Graduation Rates
A HUGE celebration for the Students and Teachers of LNE as we saw a significant jump in our Graduation rates! (We also saw an increase with our ACT scores.) I want to point out that our school improvement goal last year was to raise our graduation rate to 76%. We are at 80.7%!! Well done Scholars!! Much to be proud of! You can read the full press release here!
As the weather has begun to get cooler we have noticed some students bringing blankets to school. While we understand that they may be needed for the walk to and from school, students will not be allowed to carry them/wear them around their shoulders during the school day. We will ask students to place them in their backpack, their locker or we are more than happy to hold them in the office for them until the end of the day.
Rocket House
What is Rocket House? Rocket House is a structured after school study zone that is staffed by some of our Core (Math, Science, Social Studies and English) teachers. This will begin after Fall Break.
- When: Tuesday and Thursdays, 3:15-4:00
- Who: Our focus will be on 9th graders.
- How: Data will be run weekly. Should a 9th grader have 3 F’s they will be assigned to Rocket House for a 2 week cycle. Students and Families will receive an email notifying them that Rocket House has been assigned. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, students will receive an email reminder to report to Rocket House after school on that day.
What happens if Students don’t attend? During that time students will be allowed to miss 1 afternoon of Rocket House prior to consequences going into effect. Students will at first serve lunch detention. Repeated skips may result in different consequences.
Library News
World Book Encyclopedia
Do you remember the print edition of the World Book Encyclopedia that you may have used when you were in school? Your student still has access to this resource today – just in an online format. World Book is bigger and better than ever and has components that serve preschool through adults. Your student can access this from their LPS portal. Want to know what World Book version is best for your student?
- World Book Early Learning for very young learners
- World Book Kids for primary learners
- World Book Student for upper elementary and middle school learners
- World Book Advanced for high school through adult learners
Have your student go to these databases to see the resources and more!
Digital Citizenship Tips
Artificial Intelligence is here and it can impact our lives in several ways. Here are some questions to get the conversation about AI started at home:
- What AI tools have you engaged with (Gemini, Alexa, Google, ChatGPT, SnapChat)?
- How is AI helpful? What are the risks of using AI?
- Conversations with AI can seem quite real. Can you trust AI to give helpful information and advice? How do you know you are chatting with a real person?
- When is it appropriate and not appropriate to use AI?
Want ideas for supporting digital citizenship in your home? Follow your school, LPS Library Services, or #lpsdigcit on social media to get weekly tips. Or find the whole collection here: https://home.lps.org/libraries/digital-citizenship/
Health Services
Illness in the Community
Several illnesses are circulating currently; colds, influenza, Pertussis, CoVid, Strep throat and pneumonia. Help us prevent spread by keeping your student home if they have a fever or persistent cough and keeping your student up-to-date on their immunizations. Consult your healthcare provider if your student is not improving as some of these illnesses will need anti-biotic treatment.
Tips to Stay Healthy
- Wash your hands frequently
- Stay hydrated, drink water.
- Get a good night sleep
- Eat a balanced nutritious diet
- Stay physically active
- Reduce stress
Winter Blues/Anxiety
Colder weather and shorter days can cause sadness and anxiety in some students. Some symptoms you might see are; negative thinking, changes in mood and sleep. Reach out to your healthcare provider if symptoms persist. Note the tips to Stay Healthy above. They can help prevent the winter blues as well.
Cold Weather Reminder
Please encourage your student to come to school dressed for the winter weather; coat, gloves and boots. Students go outside most school days to get fresh air and activity. School Administration will determine if weather is too cold for outside activities.
School Screenings
The health office has been working on completing school screening for the required grades. Your student’s results
are now available on the Parentvue site, if they required screening this school year. If your student has failed vision or hearing screening, you will be contacted by the School Nurse. If you have concerns about student’s screening results, please reach out to your healthcare provider.