Hello Rocket Families, 

I hope this note finds you well and that you and your Families are enjoying the change of pace.  I wanted to take a moment and introduce you to new members of our Office and Administration Team for the upcoming school year.

News and Notes

Introduction of new administration team member

First, I would like to begin by thanking Mr. Haney for his service to the students and families of Lincoln Northeast. Mr. Haney has been an absolute servant leader and as an alumni of LNE, I know this place holds a special place in his heart. With that being said, Mr. Haney has decided to return to Mickle to serve the students and families of that community. I wish him nothing but the best and am excited that we will still get to partner as we share so many of the same students and families. Thank you, Mr. Haney!

Stepping into the role of associate principal is Mr. Adan Martinez. Mr. Martinez comes to us from Lincoln High where he most recently served in the role of coordinator. We are very excited to have Mr. Martinez join our team and look forward to learning from his experiences and expertise.

District Strategic Plan

The district has recently completed their new strategic plan. The plan contains four facets:

  • Student wellbeing and outcomes
  • Staff wellbeing and outcomes
  • Family and community engagement
  • District systems and operations

I appreciate the focus on student and staff wellbeing as well as family and community engagement. Additionally, each of the facets have sub categories to provide us specific guidance. We are looking forward to finalizing our 24-25 building specific school improvement plan that aligns with the strategic plan.  I hope you have a wonderful summer and let us know if you need anything!

Keri Applebee

LPS Strategic Plan All Means All